When individuals begin to experience intense heel pain, many know that they have acquired plantar fasciitis. This ailment occurs when the plantar fascia ligament along the bottom of the foot develops tears in the tissue near it’s insertion point to the heel. This will result in pain and inflammation of the area closest to the heel bone, and sometimes develops into heel spurs.

The most common symptoms of plantar fasciitis include:

  • Burning under the heel
  • Stabbing heel pain which may radiate up the leg or towards the toes, predominantly in the arch area
  • An aching pain in the heel or arch of the foot


The plantar fascia ligament tightens up over night and therefore causes the most pain in the morning. Pain generally decreases as the tissue warms up, but often returns after long periods of standing or weight bearing and physical activity.

One of the prevalent factors that contribute to plantar fasciitis heel pain is wearing inappropriate shoes. This includes shoes that either don’t fit properly, or provide inadequate support or cushioning to the heel and foot arch. Weight distribution becomes impaired while wearing shoes that are unsupportive, adding significantly stress to the plantar fascia ligament.

In most cases, treatment of plantar fasciitis doesn’t require surgery or invasive procedures to stop pain and reverse damage. Traditional and conservative treatments are usually all that is required, such as the use of prescribed custom foot orthotics. However, in long standing cases, heel spurs may have developed, which may require more invasive surgical techniques to resolve. Keep in mind that every person’s body responds to the treatment differently and recovery times will vary.

Contact us today to see how we can alleviate heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis and heel spurs