Healthy feet are a must. These 14 foot care tips will help keep your feet healthy and pain free, so that you never suffer with Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Bunions or other pathologies that generate foot pain. You should always consult with your Podiatrist or Chiropodist if you are unsure of how to properly care for your feet, and you are always welcome to visit Foot medical Centre for a foot examination.

  1. Cut your nails carefully, and always straight across: It is important to leave a 1-2mm free edge when cutting your nails, and avoid tapering the corners. This will help prevent painful ingrown toenails
  2. Be gentle when bathing your feet: Your feet should be bathed daily for optimal foor hygiene. Avoid using abrasive materials to scrub your feet as they can increase the chances of acquiring skin infections.
  3. Inspect your feet daily: Check your feet and soles daily for cuts, blisters, scratches, redness and swelling. If you cannot see your feet or soles well, have a loved one or care giver assist you, or try using a mirror. Catching any of these problems early can help prevent more serious complications from arising. 
  4. Moisturize your feet – but not between your toes: Daily foot moisturizing using a urea-based emollient is important for optimal skin health. It helps prevent dry skin, which is more likely to crack and become infected. However, moisturizer trapped between your toes can breed fungus, so avoid putting any there.
  5. Never trim corns or calluses yourself, and avoid using over-the-counter agents: Improper removal of corns and calluses using over-the-counter chemical agents may worsen the problem, irritate your skin and can lead to infection. So avoid using these products and attempting to remove them yourself.
  6. Exercise your feet daily: Exercising your feel on a daily basis helps maintain and improve fot strength. Simple exercises such as towel crunches, picking up marbles with your toes, and/or spelling out the alphabet with your feet can reduce foot fatigue, foot swelling, and may improve foot alignment.
  7. Wear clean, dry, seamless and white (light coloured) socks: Socks should be free of significant seams and stitching, and be made using moisture-wicking materials to keep your feet clean and dry. By wearing white or light coloured socks, you will be able to see any bleeding points on your feet that will require attention. 
  8. Avoid loose or tight fitting (constrictive) socks and footwear:  Socks and shoes that are too loose can cause unnecessary friction, which may lead to calluses, blisters or other skin irritations. Likewise, if too tight, they may restrict blood circulation. 
  9. Wear socks to bed: Wearing a pair of clean and comfortable socks to bed is the safest way to keep your feet warm throughout the night. Avoid using other sources of heat such as heating pads and elements, as they may burn your skin while you sleep.
  10. Shake out and inspect the inside of your shoes daily:  Always be sure to check the inside of your shoes for irritants and loose debris that may damage your feet. This is of particular importance for those with Diabetes, who may not be able to feel any sensation in their feet. 
  11. Never walk barefoot – both inside and outside:  Wearing shoes and slippers are a simple way to protect your feet from bumps, scrapes and bruises that can turn into more serious foot complications.
  12. Dont Smoke, and minimize alcohol consumption: Smoking and alcohol consumption impair blood circulation and nerve function, which puts your feet at greater risk of infection.
  13. Control your diabetes: Responsible diabetes management will reduce your chances of developing the complications that can lead to foot infection, deformity, gangrene and amputation. It is recommended that you monitor your blood glucose levels daily, and have your feet screened at least 1-2 times per year if you have diabetes. 
  14. Get regular Podiatric foot examinations: Visit a Chiropodist or Podiatrist if you’re experiencing symptoms or have any questions about your feet. Your foot specialist will recommend suitable treatment options, and schedule regular follow-up visits to keep your feet healthy.